July 8, 2010
D. Lawton
S. Mentzer
R. Ferguson
J. Zingarelli, Town of Holden
Otto Lies, Visitor (part time)
- April 15, 2010 meeting revised record & May 20, 2010 meeting record approved.
- Post Office parking
Reference: May 20, 2010 T/C meeting record
Otto Lies, as a private citizen, attended tonight to discuss his previous request that T/C review traffic circulation in the Holden Post Office parking lot. This issue had been discussed and recommendations made during the May 20 meeting. Otto was satisfied with that recommendation after discussion.
- Traffic Access Management (TAM)
Mary Ellen Blunt from Central Mass. Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) plans to attend T/C August 12, 2010 meeting to discuss CMRPC participation in a TAM study for Holden. In preparation for this meeting, Mary Ellen has submitted to T?C a draft copy of a TAM report CMRPC has prepared for Westborough. This report was discussed. T/C members are additionally requested to come to the August 12 meeting with written questions ready to discuss with Mary Ellen. Purpose of that meeting will be to define the parameters of the proposed Holden study.
- Main Street traffic signals
Holden Town Manager, in a letter of April 29, 2010, requested that Mass. DOT “implement the remaining improvements to Main Street that were re-designed in 2007”. Tom Waruzila, District 3 Highway Director, responded with a letter of May 24, 2010 stating that his office will arrange a meeting with Jim Zingarelli to discuss Holden’s concern. There has been no contact since May 24.
- CMRPC regional planning meeting in Princeton
Jim Zingarelli (DPW), Jim Kempton (T/C), and Otto Lies (Planning Board) attended this June 30 brainstorming session representing Holden. No specific items of interest or recommendations requesting T/C attention were reported.
- Bullard Street/Harris Street intersection
The lack of adequate sight distance in all directions at this 3-way intersection presently results in a dangerous traffic condition. T/C recommends that both the telephone pole and island be removed and replaced with a 90 degree intersection. Jim Zingarelli will discuss with DPW foreman and work out details.
Recent changes in the Open Meeting Law were discussed, particularly pertaining to the new requirement to post meeting notices where clearly visible 24 hours per day 7 days per week for the required posting period.
Meeting adjourned 9:15pm.
Next meeting: Thursday August 12, 2010 at 7pm.